
Friday, 18 August 2017


I was learning how to make a repeating patterns

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Healthy and Unhealthy statements

Some one that helps me do my homework at home .
Someone who doesn’t doesn’t listen to you
someone that be kind to me at school and home.
Someone who is mean to you at school
Someone that haves fun with me.
Someone who makes fun of you at home or school.
Someone who understanding me
Someone who gets you into  trouble
Someone that cares about himself .
Someone who leaves you out
Someone who you can laugh
Someone who is selfish
Someone who includes you in a group and doesn't leave you out
Someone who  cannot trust you
Someone who is thoughtful about how they  treat you
Someone who  lies to you
Someone who respects themselves and others.
Someone who does things that is not safe

These are examples of healthy and unhealthy relationship statements.