
Saturday, 11 September 2021

Six Sentence Story

 LI: Use 6 sentence storyto set the structure of a narrative.

To help us put our learning this week together we were asked to write a 6 sentence story. This story will be used as the text in our manga comic DLO. Our storys were about an anime charater of our choice. I chose Amira, she is the charater I have made up and drawn for my other activities. This story is about her walking in an alley way and then fights someone in the same alleyway as her. I found this task very fun because I had used my imagination to tell people the story of Amira and what happened in the alley.

Friday, 10 September 2021

List Poem

LI: To write a list poem that describes a topic by painting a picture with your words.  
 Today we wrote list poems about an anime character. Our challenge was to use descriptive language features to paint a clear picture with our words I enjoyed this task  because writing a lisgt poem about the anime charater I created tell them what she or he is like and also tell them if she is shy,brave,scared ect. 

Cinquain Poem

LI: To write a cinquain poem to describe an anime character
 This week we have been exploring the world of anime and manga. Our challenge today was to write a cinquain poem to help us strengthen our connections to description that describes our favourite anime/manga character. A cinquain poem has 5 lines. Each line has a different purpose. Line 1 is a noun which is a name. Line 2 has 2 adjectives taht describe the noun. Line 3 has 3 verbs that end in ‘ing’ and describe the actions. Line 4 is a noun phrase which is a group of words (not a sentence) that go together to describe the noun. Line 5 is a synonym which is a word with a similar meaning to the noun.

Own Design Character Profile

LI: To create a character profile

 Our challenge was to design our own anime/manga character. Our next challenge was to draw the character on our chromebooks or on paper. I chose to draw my character on my devicebecause it was a look easier and because I was able to use different imgaes to help me draw my own charater. Our final challenge was to write a paragraph that describes our character. I enjoyed this because now I have my own anime charater that I can use in my work without having to atribute.

Anime/Manga Character Profile

LI: To create a character profile


Our challenge was to choose our favourite anime/manga character. Our next challenge was to write a paragraph that describes our character and explains why this character is your favourite. The charater I chose was Nami from one piece, I chose her because in my opinion I think she is a very good charater that plays a very special role in this series.I enjoyed this because I get to tell other that in my opinion that I think that Nami is my favorite charater.

History Of Anime

LI: To read for meaning and understanding

Our challenge today was to complete a reading comprehension about the history of Manga to show that we are reading for meaning and understanding. Our final challenge in this activity was to create a DLO to share the information we found out.A fact I found interesting is that in North America manga use to be seen as a kid thing.

Virtual Cooking Class


LI: To learn how to cook hot cakes in a online meeting .

Today we had our second online meeting for tech. Today we have been learning how to make hot cakes from our own houses. First we needed time to prepare our selfs before class, After preparing ourselves we hopped onto our online meeting and we waited for our food tech teacher. We started by combining all the wet ingredinet with the dry ingrdidents after combining we started to cook our hot cakes. With all the batter being cooked we were able to cook abotu 8 to six hot cakes. After we have used up all our batter we had to make a presentation and take a photo of our hot cakes. I enjoyed this time in tech because I got to learn a new recipe that i can make for my family during lockdown.

Wednesday, 1 September 2021

Customzing Shoes

LI: To customize your own digital pair of shoes.

Today we learnt about this kiwi artist who specalizes in customzing shoes. His name is Rangi-Haira Jaxon Greening. He was inspired by a documary called " Just For Kicks ". He made this type of art a hobby he would do, his designs are also based on his maori culture. He get online customres from japan,U.K. and other contries. He moved from australia back to N.Z. Our task was to create a customize our own digital pair of shoes.I chose to do cookie monster because my cousins and I use to watch cookie monster when we were little kids and still watch it now with the younger kids in the family.I found this task very intersting becasue his art is very realistic and because he is a very good artist when it comes to doing art on shoes for his customers.


LI: To explain in fewer words what the text is about.

The challenge we were set for today was to skim and scam an article about Rangi-Haira Jaxon and his passion for customizing shoes. Rangi-Haira Jaxon designs shoes and sneakers, and was inspired by Maori culture and a documentary called 'Just For Kicks'.

Something I found interesting was that his sneakers are sold world-wide, including countries like Japan, the United States, Sweden and Australia. I enjoyed this task because I had the opportunity to expand my knowledge of Rangi-Haira Jaxon and his passion for customizing shoes.