
Friday 5 April 2019

Kiwi Sport

LI: To practice the full game of Ki O Rahi

Today in Ki O rahi we were practising our skills to play ki o rahi. We haven't learnt anything extra but there are things that we need to do better. They are; Communicate, Co-operate, Teamwork and to respect equipment, players and areas in the game.

In Ki O rahi there are 2 teams, Kioma and Taniwha. The Taniwha, in the story, tries to attack Rahi. The Taniwha's main goal is to stand in te roto, and throw the ki at the tupu. One hit = 1 Point. The boundries for Taniwha are Pa whero, Te ara and te ao when trying to score.

The second Team In Ki O Rahi is Kioma. Kioma's goal is to touch as many po as possible or wanted with the ki and avoid getting ripped once or twice. The Boundries for Kioma are Te roto, Te ara and Pawhero. After touching one or more po, they have to run into te roto and score a try in pa whero. If A Kioma Member touches a Po but the ball drops or the person is ripped, then the score is back to 0. If a Kioma Member touches 2 Po and run into te roto and score in pa whero, without being ripped they get the points.

2 Members of Kioma Team are Kaitiaki. In the story of Ki O Rahi, the Kaitiaki is an eagle and it protects the rock/tupu. In the game, the kaitiaki do the same and protect the tupu. They are the only roles in the entire game that can go in pawhero. They have to prevent Taniwha from hitting the tupu with the ki. They are notallowed to touch the tupu while guarding.

Another Member of Kioma is Kicker. The Kicker always starts of the game. They have to stand in Te Marama and kick the ki into pawhero. Then the Kaitiaki have to try and catch it. If it drops, roles or taniwha catches it then it is a hand over to taniwha team. If they catch it, they have to pass it to somebody in their team. 

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