
Monday 23 November 2020

Te Whanau Raukura Performance


This week we had a professional kapa haka group perform items for our school.The groups name is called Te whanau Raukura. When they entered the hall they blew the conch showing us they culture. The first song they sang was them saying thank you for having them perform to us.Each maori item they used they explained the meaning behind it, what it's for, and how you use it.They used taiaha, poi and te rakau in their performance.They usually go to the Auckland museum and perform their.When they danced they used their item in special way to express how they dance, also the music they used was also helping them expressing their dance in different ways.Finishing their performance we were all split into our class so we can have a game with each of the performers. We had Bekah teach us our game. We played Pukana. How you play this is that you need a group of people to form a circle then someone would say. Ringa Pakahe A then pukana he pukana ha the you would start of pointing you hand like the maori people would do when they dance and every time someone did that to you you had to do the same thing to the next person beside you or to the same person. I enjoyed seeing experienced people performing so I could see what it's like for me to do kapa haka in front of people because I'm also in the kapa haka group for school.

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