
Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Recreating Famous Artwork

LI: To use your knowledge of colour and colour mixing to replicate the colours used in the artworks.

This week we have been learning about famous artworks and colour mixing. The artwork I chose was the girl with pearl earrings by Jonannes Vermeer.This artwork was painted in 17th centuries It was painted because the girl in the painting was a house maid for Jonannes Vermeer. Today it can be found in Mauritshuis museum in The Hague today.

I enjoyed this challenge because…

1 comment:

  1. Hi Afatia
    You have done an excellent job recreating the Girl with the Pearl Earing. I think you have captured the facial expression really well. Thank you for explaining who painted the original and I was interested to learn she was the house maid. What did you like most about recreating the picture?
