The day before christmas my family was rushing through shop to shop doing last minute shopping. All my cousin was tried from walking around the mall for 2 hours, though it felt like decades. When we got home we ate and got ready to go to bed, as tomorrow was christmas day. The kids were asleep and the parents. Christmas day came and everon gwas rushing to prepare the barbecue at the park for our family.When we got to the park we started to put the tent up and then started decorating the tree. After decorating the tree we brang all the presents from the cars to under the tree. Once everyone started to turn up we had our christmas feed then started to give out the presents. I was really happy about the presents I got this year even though lockdown occurred. Once we were all done with the presents we started to play cricket. Christmas day was so fun that I couldn't sleep because I got to sleep over at my cousin house who live in otara and barley comes to family gatherings. I loved this years christmas and would love to have another one like this.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Wednesday, 30 December 2020
Tuesday, 22 December 2020
SLJ Week 2 Activity 12 Pigpen Code
Monday, 21 December 2020
SLJ Week 2 ( Activity 10 ) Nano Girl
Today for task 10,we were with nano girl.This experiment was all about super sound, this task was also about making our own xylophone.For this task we needed five pieces of A4 pieces of paper,scissors, and a pencil. Here is the link if you want to make a xylophone yourself. I found this task fun because I got to learn more about sound and got to make my own xylophone. I could also make tunes or pitches different from the other because of the way I cut the tubes I made.
Friday, 18 December 2020
SLJ Week 1 Activity 9 Summer Haiku
SLJ Week 1 Step it up Challenge: Rise up
Today, for my eighth Step it up Summer Learning Journey Task, I have made a screencastify in which I have sang the poem that I created in the Kick Start Activity. This task is the second part of the original task that's is the rise up task. I found doing this activity very interesting because I laughed a lot with my cousins on my mistake and enjoyed watching me but at the same time I also learnt an important message through the poem I created, which is to never think you can't do things. You can do thing only if you try it and see for itself and see if you made it and to never give upon your dreams.
SLJ Week 1 Task 8 Rise Up
Thursday, 17 December 2020
SLJ Week 1 Activity 7
SLJ Week 1 Activity 6
Wednesday, 16 December 2020
SLJ Week 1 Activity 5
Today I learnt that when it is very hot and the air is shimmering Tānerore performs the haka for his mother, Hine-Raumati. This happens in summer as the land heats up. Our challenge was to think about this while we designed our own kowhaiwhai pattern to represent summer. My pattern is like the rainbow because it has the eight colours of the rainbow. I found this activity fun because I got to be creative and got to have fun at the same time.
SLJ Week 1 Activity 4
- Dragonflies don't sting and don't bite people, they have been around the world for about 3000 years, and
- People in Indonesia like to eat them for a snack.
Tuesday, 15 December 2020
SLJ Week 1 Activity 3
LI: To create your own comic strip of an imaginary conversation.
Monday, 14 December 2020
SLJ Week 1 Activity 2
Leaving a quality blog comment on another student’s blog helps us make connections to new learning by asking open ended questions that encourage a reply and motivate the blogger to ask their own question in return. This is how a comment thread starts and when that happens we make connections with a wider audience who we can learn with and from.
SLJ Week 1 Activity 1
Wednesday, 9 December 2020
Digital Board Game
LI: To create a digital board game for the juniors
Operation Christmas Drop
LI: To write a summary of the story behind the Operation Christmas Drop in her own words.
The above presentation is a collaborative work of Sakshi and me which showcases a summary of Operation Christmas Drop. This tradition is being followed for 68 years, providing basic supplies to over 60 islands supporting more than 20,000 islanders. By providing financial as well as educational support, they help the islanders make a fresh start because they lose whatever they have in natural disasters. I think these small donations are not just food and books but they are something that can make a huge difference in the lives of other people. I learned more about this topic after completing this task and also came to understand how individuals support each other as a random act of kindness.
Friday, 4 December 2020
Decorating The Tree
Today we completed our christmas decorations. Our client Mr Johnston asked us to make new decorations for the tree in the office. Once we finished our designs we went to the office to decorate the tree for christmas.The christmas decorations represented the students that go to panmure bridge school. We were given our brief our what our christmas decoration needed to have for example it needed to be 10 centimeters, 3D effects, and had to be related to your culture. Their were types of holidays that we could pick when we were making our design. They were Christmas, Hanukkah,Eid, And Diwali. The tree in the office looked very pleasant because all the decoration looked beautiful. I was very pleased with the end product and would like to do this again. The tree looked very attractive.
Illustrated Story
This week for writing we were learning about quoquoi stories. Quoquoi writing tells people how or why something works or does.Our challenge this week was to create a pourquoi story that we would illustrate and share with our junior classes. A pourquoi story tells us why something is the way it is. Our story tells why/how the snakes got it scales. This morning we shared our stories with Room 2 and Room 4, and they loved listening to them. I really enjoyed sharing our animation because I think our story was really intersting.
Design Technology Challenge
LI: To design and make a holiday decoration that fits the client brief.
The photos above show my end product or follow up from the design technology challenge. We started by unpacking what the design process was. Our client, Mr Johnston asked LS2 to make christmas decoration. The specification from Mr Johnston was for our decorations to be 10 centimeters, 3D effects, and to make a design from our culture.Then it was time to think of what type of holiday we would make our decorations in that represent us. They were Eid,Hanukkah,Christmas,Diwali. I picked christmas because I thought is was easier when I mixed my culture with the christmas holiday.Once we picked our holiday we started to draw our design on a piece of paper. After doing our design we started using felt for us to pratis of stichting skills. We used the running stitch and the blanket stitch. After we got good at it we started on our proper design. My first design was a turtle with a santa hat. I also added embellishments to my design so it could be more dazzling. I was very pleased with my design because I thought it was made to a very high standard and was made with a lot of effort put in. After that I made more design because I was pleased with my design. I made a flower and snowman and a cup of milk. I had to be creative with the colours because their wasn't enough felt for everybody.